
A Little piece of Our Patrons

A Humble Side of a Walk

Story and Photography by Alexis Bolous
Alexis Bourlos during his free time decided to travel to New York and look at the things that were happening nowadays. But something that caught his attention as was the way that many people passed around the street Arts and the Murals that ware in New York. During his days he decided to pay attention to the many pieces of arts that some just discard as they travel through the many places in New York. He has photographed things those art that usually go unnoticed as they carry on with their daily lives. Alexi Boulos is one of our oldest members, and this week he bring us his story on how his travels went in New york. Insstead of having a luxury vacation druing these though times that 2020 has brough us, he decided to walk down regular streets and take shot of the streets that people walk on a daily basis. He wanted ot share the things that many people leave unoticed an pass everyday.

During my stay in New York I took long walk through many avenues and and streets, I noticed the many people doing their normal activities and their dialy routines, I was very interesting how many people have changw after the issue with COVID-19 stated. Jamaica avenue was the best street that I found, from the christamas light being hangged up to the many street arts that have been hunged, my walk around the streets.

In the Coast

Just a few shots of the hometown of one of our most cheerful and anventure seeker, Alexi, he ha shared a beautiful image of the coast where he grew up and where he would visit when he was down.

when I was a small child I aullly walked home from a long day in school and would take a longer route from the one that lead to my house, even if it was longer I had the best day ever and would often stare at the surface of the ocean and how its waves would clash in the rocks on the bay. The walks I would take was oen of the things that motivated me to tarvel and photograph mudane things that many people oversee.

Karla in Costa Rica

A story by Karlaisblue Karla show as a bit of the pictures that she took during the visit she made with her Family to the beautiful country of Costa Rica. She had a blast in the costal side and decided to take picture and explain the things that she went though and what she passed in the time she was there.

During my travel with my family I looked at many wonderful places in Costa Rica but none as this coast. I love taking walks around the beach and enjoying the sand under my feet, it was something that I loved doing everyday, I would wake up in the morning and look at the fishermen who would take their little boats and travel to the middle of the ocean to fish, it was a sight to behold. The waves the way that they move th ocean would make me want to change into my swimming gear and just jump into the beauty of the blue. However, all that i did was stare at the veauty of it all

Nadisha and pets

Story by Nadisha

For the last few months I've been fostering many little animals, they have brought up the joy of my childhood as I had many pets growing up and I still held my love for animals, I decided to start fostering small animals and have been caring for them until they find their homes or someone who is willing to take them unconditionally. Here I bring you a picture if Max, one of my fosters that has been recently adopetrted and has found a place to stay. Thank you to everyone who share our story and tried to look for a home for him with me.

In the Side of the Palms

Story by Janicy
In the summer as there were no one who would go outside to see the wonders of the land, Janicy took a trip to her homeland and pictures some beautiful scens that were taking place druing the morning dew, she had the best

To tell you the truth I was very exited to take thsi vacation and enjoy it with my friends. I could have not realize that thing woudl change so quickly, just lats year my hoemtown was run over by drought and many things changed.bout now look at how things have changed. I love how green the land has turned and the beauty of it all was just wonderful to see.

Just a Small Piece of Mind

A stroy by Anilla78

There comes that time where we have to question ourselfs on whether we shoul move on or just decide dto pick up the pace again, that is teh crossroad where I am right now. It will be almost a year now that I have not gone anywhere, to tell you the thruth I want to travel, I want to see the world once again and be able to tell these magnificent stories and the magnifiecent things that I leane from all the other people in my way. So I leave you with this Share of mind.

Dream big, never let the things that are happening in the World right now set you back on the goals you set fro yourselves and KEEP MOVING FOWARD.